Spring. It is here? It certainly has been dragging it's feet in this part of the world. No complaints because it'll be an ocean full of mosquitos or black flies soon enough. Maine is always generous with season changes.
Amidst the changing of seasons, it seemed like a good time to revamp my website. It's just the beginning. As a self employed artist, you end up doing everything to run a business and I finally found a web design company that had an easy interface for me to keep my site updated. It's not perfect, and there's much more to do, but for now I'm happy. Please check it out! I welcome constructive criticism and feedback, so thanks.
Heron Point Gallery has a fresh coat of paint on the upstairs gallery walls and a new oriental carpet on the floor in preparation for the upcoming shows. I'm really excited about what we're offering this summer and fall.
June 5th kicks off the season with #textmessage, paintings by Bonnie Faulkner, Berri Kramer and Susan Wilder: Embedded Text in Layers and Patterns. August 6th I'm honored to be showing a retrospective show of Elena Jahn's work. As some of you know, Elena passed away last fall and I'm working with her children, Lisa and Erik, to put this show together.
October 2nd starts the show of my new mandala pieces called Emerging. It's a show of new glass techniques and ideas that are just breaking ground. December finds us sharing arts and crafts by various local artists for the holidays.
Memorial Day Weekend is just around the corner. The official beginning of summer in Maine.
Let's hope it's a good one!